This is going to be one of those posts about what we're up to. So here goes.....
First off, after traveling to and from Montana, Chicago and Dover many times in the past few months, and also all around the great state of Arkansas, Dan is taking a few days off. It's a well deserved and much needed break. Here at the shop we've been getting in all the footage that Dan has been shooting and putting together projects for everybody from Kimberly-Clark in Chicago and Atlanta to the Chicago 2016 Olympic Comittee to UAFS in Fort Smith, Arkansas. We have been fortunate enough to work with greats like Michael Jordan and even the President in every TV show, Dennis Haysbert. We've had an opportunity to work with some great creatives from many different agencies, and we're very thankful for all the work you guys have been throwing our way.
We're in the process now of going through some technology upgrades. Things will start being a little different for us, from the way we shoot to the way we post, but the same great product will still be given to you guys.
We've really amped up our graphics and 3D work and we should have a new animation demo to show off pretty soon. Speaking of demos, Maegen, our account director, has been making her way around the region. From Texas and Tulsa to Jackson and Nashville, she's been meeting with you guys and showing us off a good bit. Remember, that if you need anything or have any scripts you would like a bid on you can always get in touch with her at
So, things are going well for us here. We hope your agency and business are going strong and picking up a great deal after all this economy mess that has been around for a while. We look forward to the winter and the jobs we have ahead. Here's a little challenge for you...winter is coming up, have you written snow into any of your scripts? We would love to make it snow in October or November for you!
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